How tragic. I was not expecting that
No pun intended
How tragic. I was not expecting that
No pun intended
Everyday life in Ohio...
If the world is going to h3||, might as well download as much EDM as you possibly can
[Anihilation by Destroid] would totally fit the situation!
Don't open the door!
Great work
Nicely done
If you're looking for a fight, go to your local bar and mess with the drunkards there
I can't help but wonder what would happen if a dog enters the city
"It's all about the money"
It looks like she's just done with life
I'm here and there. Just a simple NG user like everyone else. Yes sir, nothing special...
...or, is there?
Not important
I have a 200+ IQ
who are you? The FBI?
Joined on 9/22/21